Available packages for you

Through our sessions, you’ll first get rid of all that junk and that emotional baggage that is blocking you and leaving you feeling powerless. From there, you’ll get a solid step-by-step action plan, with a straightforward direction and a clear vision on how to get where you want to be. You’ll have all the support you need during those sessions including energy work, motivation, accountability, clarity & challenge when needed.

All you have to do is to show up for yourself during those sessions with me. Pick your spot on the calendar and it’s yours every week or every other week for the next months. This ain’t always an easy process but trust me on that, it’s so worth it! You are worth it. I’ll be there with you.

Discovery Session


Find out what I can do for you & if we’re a match in a free 20 minutes chat.

Clarity Session


Quick fix  to a specific block


6 Months Package


1000$ Monthly Payments


6 Months Package


One-Time Payment
